Monday, October 12, 2009

Book Review: Sophia House

So you probably don't remember this but back in March I read and reviewed a book called Father Elijah: an Apocalypse. The book amazed me and thrilled me.
Over the summer, I borrowed the other books in the series (Children of the Last Days) from Dr. F-Strangers and Sojourners and Eclipse of the Sun were the two that really stuck with me. (They both get 4.5 out of 5 from me.)
This past weekend, I borrowed Sophia House from the good doctor. I read it quickly...probably to the detriment of my American Literature and Modern Spanish Novel studies. Oh well...I only have one class tomorrow. I can read then. This book really touched me.
It was not perfect. But it was good. Set in the 1930s and 1940s, it explores Pawel Tarnowski, a Polish Catholic, who protects the young David Schafer, a Jewish teenager who will one day become the Father Elijah of the first book in the series. It explores Pawel's faith journey and David's childhood. And it does get into the social/political situation of Europe on the eve of World War II and during the war. It's really intriguing and insightful.
It does explore some really rough issues. It is decidedly not for children. It tackles sexual assault and the struggles/temptations against/towards homosexual behavior.
But it is a good book. And I recommend it.
I give it 4.5 out of 5.

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