Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Okay, but who is Edmundo?

Check out this question from my Spanish study guide:
"7.Al contrario de otras culturas los Incas no creían que Edmundo había sido creado y destruido por grandes catástrofes."
Or in English: To the contrary of other cultures, the Incas didn't believe that Edmundo was created and destroyed by grand catastrophes.
What she meant was:
"7. Al contrario de otras culturas los Incas no creían que el mundo había sido creado y destruido por grandes catástrofes."
Or in English: To the contrary of other cultures, the Incas didn't believe that the world was created and destroyed by grand catastrophes.

Check your spelling, kids. You never know when you're going to make some poor college student who has her last final of the semester in half an hour sit there and go "But who is Edmundo?"

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